High School
The High School Department of Sherwood Hills Christian School incorporates two systems that offered to cater to the different learning needs of the students: The ACE system and the Teacher-Directed system. The ACE system, which is Student-directed is offered mainly to cater to the needs of students with learning, physical or social disabilities and/or difficulties.
The Teacher-Directed program employs the traditional classroom set-up. The school uses a variety of textbooks and resources to meet each student’s needs and the New South Wales Education Authority (NESA) requirements. Each class’ requirement is different but usually includes homework, projects and assessments. Some classes are taught by stages and some by year level.
The following are the core subjects:
- Mathematics
- HSIE (Human Society and Its Environment)
- English
- Science
- PDHPE (Personal Development, Health and Physical Education)
- Bible Class for Girls & Boys (Years 7-10)
- Studies of Religion (Years 11-12)
The school offers a variety of electives specific for each Year/Stage.
For Stage 4 (Years 7-8):
- French (Year 7)
- Creative Arts/Visual Arts
- Technology (Year 7)
- Music (Year 8)
For Stage 5 (Years 9-10):
- Music (choice of instrument depending on the teacher (e.g. violin, clarinet)
- Food Technology
- Information Software and Technology (IST)
- Commerce
For Stage 6 (Years 11-12), the students have the opportunity to apply for a TVET (Technical and Vocational Education Training) course that will be undertaken within the last two years of their schooling, in addition to their regular studies.
A regular day for High School begins in the Library Building with prayer, the reading of the monthly memory passage, a short devotion and announcements. After the morning routine, students are dismissed to go to their respective classes. Classrooms for High School are held in the Homeroom, Multi-purpose room, Computer room and the Science lab. To assist students with their work, a Lunch-time help is offered four times a week and an After-school help, once a week. This is designed so that students are able to receive tutoring and assistance in catching up with missed lessons or finishing assessment tasks.
The school recognises the student’s efforts by providing a range of awards. Weekly awards given are Student of the Week and Certificates. Student of the Week is awarded to the student who has shown exceptional behaviour or has excelled academically in that week. Certificates are given to students who have earned an A in any assessment in the previous week. Every month, students are expected to memorise a Scripture passage. Students are given a certificate for memorising it for the month and a trophy, at the end of the year, if the student has recited all Scripture Passages for the school year.
All students in High School have the opportunity to earn Honour Roll each term. Each system has a different set of requirements for Honour Roll. Students who are both doing the student-directed and teacher directed would have to satisfy both set of requirements. At the end of the year, students who have received Honour Roll for 4 terms will receive a trophy.
Our High School students also enjoy various excursions and activities throughout the year. Excursions for Honour Roll are done every term and Class excursions are scheduled by the individual subject teacher throughout the school year. In-school activities include choir and orchestra which are available to students who are musically inclined and an all-year round House Competition involves the whole school. External school activities give the students an opportunity to participate in sport competitions such as swimming, athletics and netball, with other Christian schools. Another major activity is the annual High School Camp held in Term 4. This is a time in which the students and the high school staff have the opportunity to interact in a more relaxed environment and enjoy 4 days of games, camp activities, friendly competition and the teaching of God’s Word where a special speaker is chosen each year to speak in the evening services.
The changes in the High School Department though out the years have the goal to prepare the students not only academically but most importantly, spiritually. With the inclusion of the Bible Classes offered to all year levels, twice a week, and a lunch time devotion, once a week, it is our desire to see our students develop to their full potential spiritually and academically.