
House Competition
The school runs a yearlong House competition where the students are separated into two Houses named Mascord and Robson. The students compete in sport and academic competitions to obtain and accumulate points for their House and the overall winner is announced on Award’s Night.
Events may vary but generally follow this pattern:
Term One – Team Sports – Bradbury Oval
Term Two – Academic Quiz – School Chapel
Term Three – Athletics Competition – Campbelltown Sports Stadium
Term Four – Team Sports – Campbelltown Basketball stadium

Spring Fair
Every two years, the school hosts a Spring Fair in Term 3 for the entire school, incorporating food stalls, carnival games, activities and prizes, musical presentations, various booths, and displays highlighting student’s work throughout the school year. The event is a Fundraising event for the school and an opportunity for the House teams to obtain points through food and game stalls. All family, friends and visitors are welcome to attend.

Certificate Day
A Certificate Day is held during Chapel in Terms 2, 3 and 4 to recognize the Honour Roll Achievers from each department. In Term 4, the Certificate Day includes certificates recognizing High Achievers in each subject, as well as other various categories. Each student is awarded with a certificate recognizing their achievement.

Graduate Dinner Functions
Student graduates in Year 6, 10 and 12 are invited to a dinner function held at the end of Term 4 to recognize their achievement.

Award’s Night
Awards Night is held during the last week of school in term 4. It is a time in which we recognise the achievements of the students and congratulate the graduates. Students are to attend awards night in their school uniform. The venue and time will be sent home in a newsletter each year.

The yearbook details the previous year’s school events, excursions, graduates, school photos and other specialty articles. A school yearbook is available for purchase from the school office.